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Windrush reborn

After the lakes, the river falls free from the last sluice in the series and starts snaking through the valley. Clear water and a healthy invertebrate population.

A fleeting glimpse of a couple of fish. Maybe a bullhead and a small trout.

Closer examination of the otter sprait (poo) that we found up near the last pond revealed this piece of evidence.

Probably from a bullhead says our advisor. Any other suggestions are welcome. It was about 5mm long.

This is a very beautiful valley. Quite steep so the river runs fast and looks great. It is a great privelege to be around the upper Windrush and opportunities like this, which I took for granted as a child and teenager, are now becoming scarce as so many streams and rivers fall victims of pollution..

We have started taking water samples and adding more to the picture and much more of that will be featuring soon.

In the meantime, the journey continues..

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