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The transformation of the River Windrush
How sewage pollution is affecting your streams and rivers
Let's look further downstream
The River Windrush is fed by a number of limestone springs, such as this one. Limestone filters the water, making it incredibly clear and clean.
Here's footage of the River Windrush from 19XX. It's full of life. The fish you can see are barbel and xxx.

Species, such as water crowfoot (pictured), are being choked and replaced by sewage fungus.
Here's the same stretch of river in 2020. It is full of sewage fungus. Fish and plantlife are struggling to survive.
Huge quantities of untreated sewage are being released into the river. Sanitary products, xxx and xxx can all be seen.
What will happen if this continues?

Many species of fish struggle to spawn in polluted rivers. You may not see dead fish, but fish are dying out.
How do we know that sewage pollution is to blame?
This photo shows the River Windrush in 2009. The water is clear and the weed is abundant – ideal conditions for wildlife.

This photo shows the same spot, 8 years later. As you can see, the water is grey and lifeless. The weed has vanished along with the animals.

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